Let's start from the research for the safeguarding of creation is the title of ANV4, the fourth edition of the meeting of science and faith 'Assisi in the wind’ (wind of the Spirit, new wind in the sciences of creation). The event is divided into 2 set off:
From Thursday 10 to Friday 11 September will be held on WORKSHOP LENR & EARTH
From Saturday 12 see you on Sunday 13 there will be the BOANERGES CONFERENCE. We publish the program of the event on this page. You can also download the pdf of the program and abstracts from the button below
ANV4 PROGRAM START FROM RESEARCH for the safeguarding of creation
- Initial greetings guests and authorities
- Alberto Carpinteri Opening Report
Full Professor of Construction Science at the Polytechnic of Turin, Department of Structural Engineering, Construction and Geotechnics.
Strong correlations between LENR and nano-mechanical instabilities / THz vibrations in condensed matter:
Applications in Geophysics, Geochemistry, Energetics, Biology - Gianluigi Angelantoni Group President and CEO Angelantoni Industrie S.p.A..
Research in the Angelantoni Group between past and future - Fabrizio Righes Lawyer Law firm Righes
Business networks, What are, how do they work. Their applicability to the research sector, advantages, disadvantages and perspectives - Francesco Cerrone Commercial Director Genesis Energy
What is the contribution of 'innovative research’ to the improvement of energy efficiency and sustainable mobility? - Fabrice David Researcher
Son Of The Thunder – About Ball Lightning - Alan Smith Lenr researcher
Smoke, Mirrors, and the Hydrogen Economy - Bill Collis Researcher
The Exotic Neutral Particle Theory - Ubaldo Mastromatteo Researcher physicist
Updates on Mizuno’s claims with R20 type reactor - Francesco Celani Researcher physicist
The role of forced, active gas, flux for the generation of AHE in LENR experiments: discussion on procedures to increase it. - Ubaldo Mastromatteo
The Brazilian stay of the research physicist Don Carlo Borghi.
At 18 the show is scheduled MOON Laika and the moon by and with Stefano de Majo
- Ubaldo Mastromatteo Researcher physicist
The CleanHME project and other European projectsi - Daniele Bussoletti Ceo S.e.a.. S.r.L. Narni
Our services to serve research - Alessandro Diraco Researcher
Umbro Sciammanini Innovative start-up administrator Ch.i.s.s. Integrated Chemistry Science and Health
Use of new technologies for the recovery of the concentration of oxygen demand in waste water - (Yasuhiro Iwamura) Researcher physicist
Francesco Celani on behalf of Yasuhiro Iwamura:
Present Status of Iwamura Team - Fabio Cardone Physicist Researcher
The new forms of transformation of matter and energy - Fabrizio Righes Researcher
Use of solitons ( patent n. IT 102018000005719) and lasers in LENR-AHE trials - Milly Moratti Physical
From yesterday's Leda to today's Milan prospects - Luca Gamberale Researcher physicist
Calculation of the transmutation of hydrogen into deuterium by a coherent process and its experimental measurement - Giovanni Cherubini Researcher physicist
Perspectives for the use of DST neutrons (Deformed Space Time) for Neutron Antitumor Hadrotherapy. - Alberto Carpinteri
Fract-emissions as seismic precursors: The underground station in the Murisengo gypsum quarry (Alexandria) - Giampaolo Giuliani Researcher
ERadon missions in the movements of the earth's crust:
The use of the 'counting rate’ of gamma particles from the isotopes of 214Pb and 214Bi for the study EqForecast. - Stefano Calandra Researcher (EqForecast)
The theory of gravity and the EqForecast project
At 20 the convivial dinner will be held
- Initial greetings guests and authorities
- On. Jefferson Merighetti
Ideas for reflexion from art for faith on the 'sons of thunder'. - Don Enzo Greco
L'a traveler. From the promise of God to Abraham in front of the starry sky to the desire for God in the inner sky of every man. - Claudio Pace Chairman ANV4
Dante's Way with Beatrice in the Divine Comedy, from hypoctonic darkness to the stars ... The meeting with the Boanerges. - Maria Luisi Researcher
Research of musical iconography in southern Umbria: the concert of the angels of the chapel of San Giovenale in Narni. - Brother Angelo Gatto Ofm Capuchin chaplain of the Santa Maria della Misericordia hospital in Terni
The virtue of hope in pilgrimages and in daily life. - Francesco Bindella
The Boanerghes… on the trail of the sons of thunder.
At 18 the show is scheduled FRANCIS L’alloda di Dio by and with Stefano de Majo
- Eucharistic celebration
- Conclusions greetings and ANV5 presentation
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