Gabriele Pace

Reportage Workshop LENR & EARTH

Reportage Workshop LENR & EARTH

The ANV4 event Let's start again from the search for the protection of creation has ended. We publish a small report on this page, composed of the videos of all the interventions in the LENR Workshop & EARTH and some photographic images of the first part of the Assisi nel Vento 4th edition. From this small collection, undoubtedly shines through the… Read More »Reportage Workshop LENR & EARTH

ANV4 2020 let's start from the research

ANV4 START FROM RESEARCH for the safeguarding of creation

ANV4 PROGRAM START FROM RESEARCH for the safeguard of creation THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER WORKSHOP LENR & EARTH Initial greetings from guests and authorities Alberto Carpinteri Opening Report Full Professor of Construction Science at the Polytechnic of Turin, Department of Structural Engineering, Construction and Geotechnics: Strong correlations between LENR and nano-mechanical instabilities / THz vibrations in condensed matter:Applications in… Read More »ANV4 START FROM RESEARCH for the safeguarding of creation

ANV4 2020 let's start from the research

Sponsor Let's start again from the anv4 event search

The sponsors of the Assisi nel vento event 4 “Let's start again from the search for the protection of creation“, are very important for Chiss events in the organization of the 4 days in Santa Maria degli Angeli. Some of them, they have not only contributed financially, but they also actively helped with ideas and projects. So we mean with this article, do one… Read More »Sponsor Let's start again from the anv4 event search

event Let's start from the research

Introduction to the Event Let's start again from Research

Progress Organization of the event Let's start from the research The organization of the ANV4 event “Let's start again from the search for the protection of creation, proceed with enthusiasm. In fact obtained the patronage of the Municipality of Assisi and the Umbria Region, Agreements have already been defined with the Hotel Domus Pacis and with the Pro loco of Santa Maria degli Angeli (Assisi) for the… Read More »Introduction to the Event Let's start again from Research